I've spent a couple of hours this evening working on my new route, I'm hoping to create something that I can persuade whoever decides these things to adopt as an official local 'trail' on the lines of the Downs Link or the Pilgrim's Way.
My thoughts initially are for a route that follows the Arun from it's source near Horsham as it winds it's way to the sea at Littlehampton, through some of West Sussex's most attractive towns. Except Littlehampton, which is a dump.
There exists a network of public footpaths already and the challenge is to link these using public and existing rights of way to create a continuous walk that doesn't stray too far along the river itself.
I'll need to plan the route and walk it, to ensure it's feasible for use. I already know the route from Arundel down to Ford, I walked it a couple of times with Bernie last year, and it's fairly straightforward.
So this week it's time pouring over maps of the Horsham area and trying to pull the green dots and dashes together to make something worthwhile and attractive that spends as little time as possible in the built enivronment.
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